Your Empowerment & Emotional Resilience Start Here

~ exclusively created for women ready to overcome the impact of their absent or emotionally unsupportive father ~


Rising Above the Past: 3 Mindset Shifts for Emotional Freedom

Discover three invaluable insights to release the grip of past memories, paving the way for a freed mind. Download this guide and embark on a transformative journey of self-liberation.

If you had an absent father growing up (yes, even one who was present but emotionally distant), you may not even know it’s the reason you

And why you experience a deep sense of loss when you see families that seem connected and supportive.

But turning that painful loss into your most powerful self is possible.

Even if you’ve been on this healing journey for a bit but craving specialized support (aka someone who gets it and gets you!)

Hey there! I am Marielle.

Fatherless Daughter. Empowerment Coach.

I specialize in supporting women with a history of father absence, whether physical or emotional, because…

I know all too well that growing up experiencing the abandonment or rejection of your father often hinders your ability to navigate life’s complexities.

This is why it’s my mission to help women turn that challenging past into fuel for growth and stop negative self-talk so they can show up confidently at work and in relationships.

Let me tell you a story...

For as long as I remember, I felt unhappy. I couldn’t quite put words to what was wrong. Now I realize it was a profound sense of loneliness.

Feelings of rejection haunted me since childhood, profoundly marked by my father’s abandonment.

If my father made no attempt to see or care about me, how worthy am I? The internalized sense of unworthiness made me miserable.

I longed to grow, become an adult, and live on my own, believing it would solve all my problems. I would feel free and fulfill many of my dreams.

But when independence arrived, happiness didn’t follow. Despite having everything I longed for – a good job, a relationship, and freedom – emptiness and meaninglessness still persisted.

At 20 and 30, I looked at the future with hope thinking that one day I would find the missing pieces. But at 40, when I should have been in that future, hope turned into hopelessness and a sense of personal failure, realizing that the same old struggles still remained.

I felt lost and clueless, not knowing who to turn to. Despite having been in therapy a few times, and though it helped, I continued to feel insecure within myself.

It wasn’t until I found myself reliving my own issues through my daughter that I decided to embark on a personal journey searching for answers once again. This time I was not willing to give up.

Through my first coach, I connected with spiritual and psychological knowledge that hit home. Since then, being at the mercy of those dreading feelings of meaninglessness, emptiness, and self-doubt is a thing of the past.

You don't need to continue bearing the weight of emotional burden.

Besides helping you reclaim your confident life, I can also help you


Here is how we can work together:



GET GROUNDED, LET GO & GROW is a one-on-one coaching program designed to anchor you in your inner spiritual resources, liberate you from limiting conditioning, and foster a success mindset where your dreams are attainable realities.

The program is structured in three non-linear stages, encapsulated by its evocative name:


Cultivate an empowered mindset that blends ancient spiritual wisdom and modern psychological insights, so you can:

2. let go

Release the conditioning that constrains your potential and limits your life experience. Learn to:

3. grow

Aspire to greater levels of confidence and actively bring forth the aspects of yourself you’ve always dreamt of manifesting. Here’s how:

Feeling a spark igniting within you?

Let’s talk about how I can help you follow your desires.

This is for you if you...

If this sounds like you and you want to take action today, let’s talk!

Download the 3 Mindset Shifts for Emotional Freedom below.